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Online Notetaking

The Online Notetaking module is designed to simplify the process of notetaking services. The web access point provided to students gives access to the online note-taking module. The student must be approved by the advisor for a notetaker accommodation before they can use the notetaking system.  The students can login using their school login credentials to access the web service.

The school has an option to let the student pick the notetaker from a list based on the notetakers for that course. Notetakers can upload sample notes that would allow the student to make an informed decision. The name of the notetaker is not displayed online. Once they are picked as a notetaker for a course, they could upload notes for every lecture date and the students could get at the notes when they login online.


  • The student has the ability to pick a notetaker after viewing the sample notes. They can access the sample notes as soon as they request a notetaker online.

  • Potential notetakers can use the online application to sign up as a note-taker. The sign-up form can be easily customized.

  • The online interface allows the notetaker to upload lecture notes in different formats such as PDF, Word, Access, etc. The students can download these notes online as soon as they have a notetaker available.

  • Notetakers are notified through automatic emails once they are chosen as a notetaker. Emails can also be set up to register and remind notetakers to upload lecture notes. All emails can be edited and customized easily.

  • Students can choose their own notetaker

  • Access the online notetaking system 24 / 7

  • Check notetaker availability online

  • Notetakers can self register online

  • Download, save and print  lecture notes

  • Maintains confidentiality of notetakee information

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